What you Need to Know About Aromatherapy Body Lotion

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment which uses organic plant extracts for better health and well-being. Aromatherapy is also commonly known as essential oil therapy where essential oils such as organic black seed oil and aromatherapy body lotion are used to improve not only the health of the body but also the mind and the spirit.
Aromatherapy has been around for thousands of years with ancient cultures in China, India, Egypt indulging in the practice. They incorporated and infused components of aromatic plants into resins, balms, and oils they commonly used. The practice was believed to have physical as well as psychological benefits.
How does aromatherapy work?
Aromatherapy can be used in different ways. The idea is to use the sense of smell and skin absorption through different products such as:
- diffusers
- aromatic spritzers
- inhalers
- bathing salts
- body oils, creams, or lotions for massage or topical application
- facial steamers
- hot and cold compresses
- clay masks
These can be used separately or together in any sort of combination. There are many types of essential oils available, but BEVERYTHINGBODY offers a range of high-quality essential oils that offer a variety of benefits.
Aromatherapy can help people who have pain and ache issues. It is also believed to improve sleep quality and reduce stress, agitation and anxiety. People who suffer from joint-aches and headaches might also benefit from the use of aromatherapy. One of the most common uses is in the form of a stress relief body lotion.
Other advantages of aromatherapy can include better protection against bacteria, viruses, and fungus. It can also improve digestion and boost immunity for a healthier lifestyle. BEVERYTHINGBODY has a range of amazing essential oils including
- BE Eucalyptus Essential Oil
- BE Lavender Essential Oil
- BE Tea Tree Essential Oil
- BE Peppermint Essential Oil
- BE Rosemary Therapeutic Essential Oil
- BE Lemon Essential Oil
- BE Frankincense Essential Oil
The main ways to use these stunning essential oils is either by inhalation or by topical application. By using them through inhalation, the oils evaporate into the air through a diffuser container, spray, oil droplets or it can be breathed in through a steam bath. The use of lavender oil for anxiety stress is common as it can provide relaxation and relief.
Inhaling these oils can result in respiratory disinfection, decongestant, and psychological benefits. The olfactory system is stimulated, including the nose and the brain. This can affect the emotions, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress, and hormone balance.
The other method of use is through topical application. Essential oils are often infused into massage oils, bath and skin care products and these are absorbed through the skin. The oils cannot be applied directly to the skin as they need to be infused with a carrier oil first. After that they can be applied to the hair or scalp, or they can be used in shampoos, moisturizers, balms and many more products.
Aromatherapy and products such as aromatherapy stress relief body lotion have gained a lot of traction and popularity in recent with many users testifying to the advantages they offer. It has also seen more recognition in the fields of medicine and science. With a range of oils being available, it is up to you and your preference about which oils you prefer.
However, it is important to note that aromatherapy is meant to be a complementary therapy. It does not replace any doctor-approved treatment plan.