8 Amazing Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Your Skin and Hair

The tea tree oil is derived from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant. The tea tree oil for skin is the ideal savior from acne, athlete’s foot, skin infection and other provocative ailments. It is best known for clean hair, making it stronger and reducing dandruff.
Hence, there are multiple tea tree oil benefits for skin mentioned below.
Moisturizes Dry Skin
The tea tree oil has the ultimate moisturizing effect, helps to soothe the dry skin, along with reducing irritation and itching. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to olive or coconut oil and apply to the scalp. Also, a great mixture can be applied as beard oil, or any dry area of the face. The unscented body butter is the complete solution towards comfort skin and is in alot of demand.
Promotes Hair Growth
The tea tree oil invigorates and increases blood flow near hair follicles, which tends to grow healthy hair. A few drops are all it takes to apply daily on the scalp, which causes healthy hair growth.
Removes Skin Tags
Due to its antibacterial characteristics, the tea tree oil gives a very effective treatment for skin tags/acrochordon. Just 2 to 3 drops of oil needed to be dabbed on to the skin, the essence of oil will quickly dilute the skin tags in a flash.
Prevents Oily Skin
The tea tree oil consists of an antiseptic portion and vitamin e oils for face which combats oily skin, consisting of removing surface oils without drying out the skin or causing any sort of irritation. Add this amazing tea tree oil to moisturizer or directly to the skin, which refrains from oiliness and settles down the skin tone.
Reduces Inflammation
The anti-inflammatory benefits of this tea tree oil give a healing essential of calming down the redness, inflammation and swelling. It puts a stop towards acne scars, leaving out silky smooth skin. Therefore, add a few drops of Tea Tree oil to a moisturizer or a carrier oil and apply on to the affected areas multiple times of the day.
Cures Acne
Oily skin often is the main reason for causing acne, where tea tree oil cleanses the skin by lifting the oil, revolving dirt and impurities on clogged pores. The extensive antibacterial properties of tea tree oil tend to minimize the acne-causing bacteria ensuring removal of acne and preventing it from reappearing. Just a simple process of applying 2-3 drops of this amazing oil along with carrier oil which needs to be applied on the skin as a toner, moisturizer, or face wash.
Ideal For Antiseptic for Cuts and Scrapes
The extravagant strongness of tea tree oils antibacterial properties, it can be used to sterilize minor scrapes, cuts and also wounds. Hence, killing the bacteria prevents infections and heals the skin quickly.
Surface Disinfectant or Hand Sanitizer
Talking about the natural disinfectants, the tea tree oil ranks among the top in our list for being the most essential oil. Simple by mixing upon 20-30 drops into a cup of water and a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, scale it well, spray it out on the surfaces to remove the bacteria. Another remedy goes along with a hand sanitizer, add approximately 10 drops of Tea Tree oil to 2 ounces of organic cane alcohol along with few drops of vitamin E and half ounce of aloe vera gel to it. Thus, use it to cleanse and hydrate your hands.